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Student Grants and Scholarships supported by the Foundation

The EU educational policy over the last thirty years has shown itself to represent a fundamental opportunity for young people to widen their experience of Europe, to interact with students from varying backgrounds and cultures, and to develop friendships and individual networks that will enrich their personal and working lives (Erasmus programme).

An increasingly important education policy objective of EU Member States is strongly linked to the recognition that there is a need to encourage the understanding and skills of young students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and the development of collaboration and networking at the European level. Such an activity is also considered important to avoid future potential shortage of skilled scientific personnel in Europe.

An area of science that the Foundation believes to be universally recognised by students of all ages is that of the environment and its protection. It represents a major European challenge in terms of its importance to society, the need to understand the impact of society on its functioning, and the importance of this knowledge to reaching agreement between States to resolve problems at local, regional and continental dimensions.

Within its available means the objective of the Foundation is thus to provide support for students of Universities, Institutes and High Schools in the UK and Europe in developing their studies through participating in European projects related to the understanding of environmental processes, their functioning, and potential for perturbations on their long-term development and impacts at local, regional and global scales.

Five scientific areas have been presently identified as of special interest to the Foundation although other areas may be considered. They can be found in the Themes section of the website.

Categories of Studentships:

1. Travel Grants: The primary purpose of grants is to enable researchers to present their work at scientific meetings. Travel grants may also support attendance at meetings to discuss research project results or European research proposals.


The Foundation will occasionally consider providing funds to International Conferences (see Themes considered) to cover grants to students making a request, and whose work has been accepted for oral or poster presentation at the meeting. The President of the Conference Committee will propose a session theme for consideration by the Foundation.


The choice of Grant recipients will be based on the decision of an independent Science Committee. Combining conference attendance with visits to other institutions is encouraged.

2. Student Research Projects: Participation to advanced training courses, research projects as a part of a summer course, fieldwork, and in support of a high school or university thesis. These grants are available for short-term activities that provide students with experience of value to their on-going studies.

3. University Scholarships: The Foundation will consider applications for scholarships for periods of several months to one year. These grants will be considered on the basis of recommendations from the Head of Department of the University where the student is enrolled.

4. High School Science Activities: Provide opportunities to develop students' understanding of science in the 'real world' (including the study of Science at university) – for example, where students undertake some kind of research alongside members of universities and/or get to spend time with people involved in 'real' research projects. Support partnership with companies in the region.

a. Visits to school from experts to give lectures on science themes, or on-going research projects. Develop support from experts in their fields to challenge students and broaden their horizons. Support student participation scientific conferences.

b. Participation in joint research projects with Universities, local partners (firms) in the UK or Europe. Student visits to research and teaching Institutions (practical training courses).

c. Support the development of a "Scholars’" programme for academically able students.

d. Support inter High School joint research projects such as the creation of an annual science competition.

e. Student exchange with High Schools in Europe within a common science Network (support Summer Schools Science Networks).

Levels of Support

Travel grants: The maximum grant is £1000 (or equivalent in euro) and is for travel, travel insurance, subsistence costs and conference fees, as necessary.

In the case of funds to International Conferences to cover grants to students, the level of support will depend on the project proposed by the President of the Conference and in general not exceed £5000-7500 (or equivalent in euro).

Student Research Projects: The maximum grant is £2000 (or equivalent in euro) and is for research projects as a part of a summer course, fieldwork, and in support of a high school or university thesis.

University Scholarships: The Foundation will consider applications for scholarships for periods of up to 6 months (or longer if co-financing has been obtained). Scholarships will cover living costs up to £500 per month (or equivalent in euro). Special consideration will be given from students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

High School Science Activities: The Foundation is considering the possibility of participating to a programme of High School student support within a European context. The Foundation expects this to take time to develop and that it will need an initial testing period to help define reasonable objectives and results. It is assumed that an initial period of 2 to 3 years will be required and that funding of up to £5000 per year (or equivalent in euro) will be negotiable depending on the agreed multi-annual project proposal.

The quality of any such activities is clearly of the first importance not only for ensuring the efficient use of teacher-student time and funds employed but also the reputation of any proposed programme.

Student Grants and Scholarship Terms & Conditions

The fee levels described above are to be considered only as a guide and subject to changes by the trustees; all grants etc. are at the discretion of the trustees; successful applications will align with the Foundation’s purpose (as described on its website), themes and funding criteria. Five themes presently supported by the Foundation are shown on the Themes page of the website: Coastal lagoons (European and Mediterranean), Coral reef systems, Shelf Seas, Desertification and Agriculture, and Transition to a low carbon economy.


1. Student Grants and Scholarships are available on a competitive basis related to the Foundation’s Objectives. The Categories of Studentships (Travel Grants, Student Research Projects, University Scholarships, High School Science Activities) are described in the section above and Application Forms can be found on the Documents page of the website.

2. The Foundation will be represented by the chair of the Studentship Committee in all communications concerned with the appointment and administration of Murray Foundation Grants and Scholarships.

3. Applications are considered quarterly with application closing dates on 1st March, 1 st June, 1 st September, and 1 st December. The Foundation may request further information from the student’s Institute or University before considering further an Application.

4. In the case of Travel Grant and Student Research Projects applications, the applicant’s supervisor or Head of Department must complete and return the Letter of Support form before your application can be considered.


Travel Grants and Student Research Projects:

l. Recipients are expected to take out cancellation insurance to cover illness, bereavement, etc. In the event of a trip not being made, the award must be returned to the Murray Foundation Treasury at the earliest opportunity.

2. Within two months of completion of their travel or research project, recipients must submit a report of not more than 2 pages which may be published wholly or in part in the Foundation's Newsletter. Failure to provide a report following receipt of an award, will lead to a recipient becoming ineligible for further grants until a report is submitted.

3. Recipients of awards are required to submit an account of their expenditure. Only actual expenditure, backed by receipts, is acceptable under Charities Law (i.e. per diem rates will not be accepted in lieu of receipts).

4. The grant holder is responsible for administration of the grant, which is normally paid in pounds Sterling (or its equivalent in euros) by direct electronic transfer into the recipient’s personal bank account. Grants may be paid to the recipient’s institution but only on the condition that the host institution agrees that no administrative overheads or other fees are taken from the grant, and that the entire amount is to be used by and for the recipient’s proposed trip only. Consult the Chair of Studentship Committee.

5. The financial support of the Murray Foundation will be acknowledged in any research report to a scientific journal, poster or oral presentation made at a conference. A Foundation logo is available.


1. University Scholarship applications are intended to contribute to living costs (rent and associated outgoings) for periods of up to six months (or longer if co-financing has been obtained).

2. All costs must be substantiated by receipts in the name of the recipient of the scholarship in £ UK (or equivalent in euros) for the period requested in the application.

3. The grant holder is responsible for administration of the grant, which is normally paid in pounds Sterling (or its equivalent in euros) by direct electronic transfer into the recipient’s personal bank account. Grants may be paid to the recipient’s institution but only on the condition that the host institution agrees that no administrative overheads or other fees are taken from the grant, and that the entire amount is to be used by and for the recipient’s proposed trip only. Consult the Chair of Studentship Committee.

4. The financial support of the Murray Foundation will be acknowledged in any thesis project, report or study undertaken by the student.

High School Science Activities

1. High School Science activities proposed in an application to the Murray Foundation (if accepted) are carried out entirely under the responsibility of the High School(s) proposing the project.

2. All costs must be substantiated by receipts in the name of the recipient of the High School Science Activities grant in £ UK (or equivalent in euros) for the period requested in the application.

3. The High School is responsible for administration of the grant, which is normally paid in pounds Sterling (or its equivalent in euros) by direct electronic transfer into the recipient’s bank account. Grants are paid on the condition that the host institution agrees that no administrative overheads or other fees are taken from the grant, and that the entire amount is to be used by and for the recipient’s proposed science activity.

4. The financial support of the Murray Foundation will be acknowledged to the School(s) Board of Governors or in any school project report on the activities of the High School.

Application timetable

Please be aware that applications will not be submitted to the Studentship Committee until after the application-round closing date. All applicants, whether successful or not, will be informed by the chair of the Studentship Committee but this may not be for up to two months after the closing date. Do not contact the Administration Office until two months have elapsed. Correspondence regarding the grants, scholarships etc. should be directed to the chair of the Studentship Committee.

Last updated: 1 st November 2016

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